Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A Challenge to Our Public Administrators
The present economic turmoil that has beset the globe can be a testing point of our resilience in times of crisis. More so, this can be again another gauge for measuring the ability of our public administrators to formulate policies that would at least minimize its impact on the people.
For a country like the Philippines which still undergoing transformation, this economic downturn that we are experiencing right now can put much pressure especially on the back of those who manage the government. What policy our government administrators can come up with is still a big question which remains unanswered. And that the policy constituted should not just meet the pressing demands of the current situation. It should also cater to the needs that may arise in the long-run.
Consider the rice shortage for instance. This has certainly tried out the aptitude of our government officials to craft palliative solutions that would at least downsize its effect on the commonalty. The government was greatly agitated by the situation for the fact that rice, which is the staple food of Filipinos has fallen short of its supply and that its deficiency would mean rumbling of empty stomachs.
The said crisis has served as a constant reminder for those who man the government that its high time we have to put greater emphasis on agriculture to boost up rice production in order to feed millions of Filipino people without depending much on imported rice. That government should give high priority to agricultural advancement in order to induce greater output.
And now here we are again snared in a vicious trap of an ailing economy. Unemployment has hit Asian shores already and its rate has certainly gone up as companies, unable to endure in the burdensome effect of a dilapidated economy, are forced to put their operations to a halt; which has eventually resulted to an increased number of jobless people.
It’s good to know however, that the Philippine government is doubling its effort to come up with measures that would alleviate the impact of unemployment. Government agencies’ savings are tapped to support the program of providing emergency jobs for those who are seriously affected.
All of us are faced with the challenges of our times. Challenges that would put us down to mire if we fail to survive. As for our public administrators, these challenges are eye-openers for them to take their responsibilities seriously and with ardor. There’s no more time for groping and condemning others’ failure. Every moment should count. National interest should be taken into consideration and private interest should be barred aside.
Now that the national appropriation for the year 2009 has been approved already, we just hope that the intended purposes are met and the objectives are lawfully carried out.
The present economic slump would create a worse and debilitating impact on our country; therefore the task of our public managers is to work double-time on formulating policies that would salvage us all from a certain predicament.